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Showing posts from April, 2015

Sometimes feminists have reasons to celebrate

Yesterday was Ambedkar Jayanti. It was a special day for many oppressed sections in India. It was a special day for me. As a woman and as a feminist, there is something to celebrate about Ambedkar Jayanti. A great man was born, who advocated the equality of all, and we women owe a lot to him: 1. The constitution of India, written by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, declares everyone, including women, as equal citizens with equal rights :) No clauses, terms or conditions specified!! 2. Indian women had the right to vote and the right to contest in elections right from the inception of the Indian Republic, a milestone which few other countries can claim ( link ). Particularly glad that no separate electorates were formed. 3. Indian women had the legal right to work and earn  through paid jobs, enabling their financial empowerment. 4. Indian women (and men) were given the legal right to end unhappy marriages through divorce, a proposal which was scandalous at the time when the Hin...

So why is My Choice upsetting to so many 'intellectuals'?

This is how Privileged Misogynists talk – and this is from Hindu: My responses in red. // “Sex outside marriage, my choice”. I don’t believe, however, that the intent here is to refer to an extra-marital affair, as has been widely misperceived — “sex outside marriage” could also be a reference to consensual sex had by, say, divorced women. The uproar is a result of the inefficacy of the words and the delicate nature of the topic.   // It’s funny how scandalized so many misogynists are at the very thought of a woman having an extra-marital affair. I believe the video was exactly referring to extra-marital affair. I believe the point of that sentence was to tell the society that a woman choosing to have sex outside marriage (a personal choice) cannot be freely abused/assaulted by anyone, including her husband. I believe...