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Shut the F* Up About My Weight, My Teabag, and Your Goddamn "Enlightened" Lifestyle

I'm done. So done. With the endless barrage of 'wellness' bullshit, the unsolicited gym advice, the organic eye rolls, and the constant, suffocating judgment about my body and my life. With the 'priorities' lecture, the 'just eat clean' mantra, the 'chakra alignment' bullshit, and the goddamn Insta-perfect lifestyles and bodies shoved down my throat every goddamn second. Look, I get it! You found the gym. You discovered kale. You've reached your 'North Star' of fitness or 'enlightened' living. Great for you! Seriously, I'm happy you found something that works!! But here's the thing: Your journey is not my journey. Your body is not my body. Your life is not my life. Your journey is not my journey. Your body is not my body. Your life is not my life. Well you think it's 'just a matter of priorities'? Frankly, I don't give a flying f*** about your 'priorities.' I'm busy. We're all busy. We...
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Five nutritious, easy-to-make, vegetarian breakfast dishes for kids with bread

Try out these yummy and filling under-10-minute breakfast dishes to keep your kids healthy and happy. Use whole-wheat bread if you are concerned about using refined flour bread. At the end of the post, there's a bonus tip to get more recipes if you are not a fan of bread: 1. Avocado with toast: Spread mashed avocado with some rock salt and lemon juice (Vitamin C) for seasoning on the toast and you're done. You can also make a guacamole spread by adding in chopped onions and tomatoes. This is equally healthy for kids and adults. 2. Paneer sandwich:  Saute scrambled paneer in butter with some onions, tomatoes, bell peppers (optional), seasoned with some salt and ketchup or whatever sauces you like and make a nutritious, wholesome sandwich. Swap the paneer for tofu to make a fat-conscious adult-version.  3. Cheesy mushroom toast: Saute mushrooms in butter and garlic (if you like the flavor). Spread them with cheese and Italian herbs like oregano on toasted bread. This is packed w...

A long wishlist: Reflecting seven years later

Seven years ago, I blogged about a long wish list ( link ) penning down many of my desires at the time. Lot has passed in my life and in world since (one word - COVID!) - I'm on the other side of 30 now and a mother of twin girls! One of the reasons why I love to blog, is that it is very interesting to look back and reflect on what we've written about. I'm now revisiting this wish list for fun, to see what has changed, in another long post, be warned :)  The ones that I can tick: 1) Writing a poem for my special person: I ended up doing it the same year as his birthday present - Here is the link if you're curious to read :) What's special is I still stand by it and my feelings haven't changed, which is something I'm very grateful for. 2) Learning music: With the constant narrative that all cool things in life end at 30, and especially after becoming a mother, I would have never imagined that I would start learning singing (Carnatic music) again after giving...

New year resolutions - To 2022

Happy new year everyone! 2021 has been a year full of coping with uncertainties, tragedies, and changes. Looking ahead,  I am hoping 2022 will give us all the much-needed stability and peace of mind, and put an end to this pandemic. These are my resolutions gearing up for 2022: 1. Inculcating a sense of discipline:  Generally a very popular new resolution throughout years for many people, I am fairly certain it is one of the hardest ones to follow through on. But the timing for this year makes it even more popular than usual I suspect, because in 2021, we had to do a lot of 'going with the flow' with things beyond our control. The coping mechanisms for this naturally had a lot to do with being flexible and less 'plan-centric'. But in my case at least, this may have gone to the other extreme, which means no emphasis on being organised and having specific targets. Of course, there is some merit to the type-A approach of 'to-do-lists', plans and routines, so I want...

Bringing a pinch of positivity to life - Coping with COVID stress

In these times of overwhelming stress with many we know suffering, it is very hard to stay positive and not 'languish' - That's the new term for what we have been feeling often in this pandemic. These are a few things that helped me cope with stress to some extent, and hope they work for you too. 1. Walk / exercise: Any dedicated and continuous physical activity for 30-60 mins helps release endorphins, which make us feel good. So taking a walk even within your building or terrace gives the much-needed refresher to let our mind bring focus to important things and not languish. 2. Gratitude journal:  This is often advised by therapists to bring positivity to life. It is simply to make a note (physical or digital) of all 10 things you feel grateful for, or happy about in life, however bad the situation is, every once in 4-5 days. It's hard in this situation to come up with that list: They could even be very simple things like not being sick or having a home to live in, or...

Living the nightmare: COVID second wave in India

Four months ago, we celebrated the arrival of the new year 2021 with new zeal and freedom. We just emerged from what felt like a horror story. We thought we could renew and recelebrate life. It feels like a distant past now. Movies, street food, and family gatherings are from a different era. Today, as we live this nightmare, it is very difficult to put to words what we are going through. The horror of the first wave seems meek in comparison. Although my heart goes out to all those who lost lives and livelihoods from it. We are awake at night troubled by reality. We are scared to wake up in the morning to discover how much it has worsened. If we are lucky enough to survive or to be safe, we count our blessings every hour. We worry about the future, friends, family, and dear ones. If we are unfortunate to go through the loss of a loved one, I cannot even attempt to assume what one goes through. We pray. We hope. And with incredible spirit, we try to carry on with our lives. We don't...

Where does gender bias start?

Sharing my experiences as a mother of three-year-old twin girls to show how dominating the effect of social conditioning is on us and how difficult it is to eliminate it as it is so unconscious. I want to drive home the point that women (or any oppressed group) do have an uphill task to fight against their own and everyone else's conditioning to break the stereotype. This also shows how skewed a lot of our available art and literature is in terms of gendered roles: 1. While narrating a very innocent story to my kids about a mother leaving her daughter at home for work, I had to narrate a scene where the child's grand-dad fries papads for lunch. And my daughter's very innocent question with the look of surprise on her face is enough to say it all - "Do grandpas fry papads ?" She hasn't seen men cook and the implication of that hit me hard. Equality begins at home, and it cannot be emphasized enough. Gendered roles in parenting are unhealthy and damaging for ch...