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Showing posts from May, 2021

Bringing a pinch of positivity to life - Coping with COVID stress

In these times of overwhelming stress with many we know suffering, it is very hard to stay positive and not 'languish' - That's the new term for what we have been feeling often in this pandemic. These are a few things that helped me cope with stress to some extent, and hope they work for you too. 1. Walk / exercise: Any dedicated and continuous physical activity for 30-60 mins helps release endorphins, which make us feel good. So taking a walk even within your building or terrace gives the much-needed refresher to let our mind bring focus to important things and not languish. 2. Gratitude journal:  This is often advised by therapists to bring positivity to life. It is simply to make a note (physical or digital) of all 10 things you feel grateful for, or happy about in life, however bad the situation is, every once in 4-5 days. It's hard in this situation to come up with that list: They could even be very simple things like not being sick or having a home to live in, or...

Living the nightmare: COVID second wave in India

Four months ago, we celebrated the arrival of the new year 2021 with new zeal and freedom. We just emerged from what felt like a horror story. We thought we could renew and recelebrate life. It feels like a distant past now. Movies, street food, and family gatherings are from a different era. Today, as we live this nightmare, it is very difficult to put to words what we are going through. The horror of the first wave seems meek in comparison. Although my heart goes out to all those who lost lives and livelihoods from it. We are awake at night troubled by reality. We are scared to wake up in the morning to discover how much it has worsened. If we are lucky enough to survive or to be safe, we count our blessings every hour. We worry about the future, friends, family, and dear ones. If we are unfortunate to go through the loss of a loved one, I cannot even attempt to assume what one goes through. We pray. We hope. And with incredible spirit, we try to carry on with our lives. We don't...