In these times of overwhelming stress with many we know suffering, it is very hard to stay positive and not 'languish' - That's the new term for what we have been feeling often in this pandemic. These are a few things that helped me cope with stress to some extent, and hope they work for you too. 1. Walk / exercise: Any dedicated and continuous physical activity for 30-60 mins helps release endorphins, which make us feel good. So taking a walk even within your building or terrace gives the much-needed refresher to let our mind bring focus to important things and not languish. 2. Gratitude journal: This is often advised by therapists to bring positivity to life. It is simply to make a note (physical or digital) of all 10 things you feel grateful for, or happy about in life, however bad the situation is, every once in 4-5 days. It's hard in this situation to come up with that list: They could even be very simple things like not being sick or having a home to live in, or...
In My Radical Opinion