Sharing this amazingly researched article: What happened to the women who graduated from IITs in the 90s?: link I could so totally relate the findings from it with what Sheryl Sandberg had to say in Lean In - Women, Work and the Will to Lead : link (another recommended read) and also with what I have witnessed in life personally. Sharing some excerpts from the article - I sincerely recommend reading it in entirety - link // Yet, often after a few years on the job, they pulled back, completely changed their personal career paths, thereby stripping corporate India of a female presence. Again and again, women gave Quartz the same underlying reason: They were unable to scale the maternal wall. // - link Because there is no support system to ensure that working women are not penalized for motherhood, either at work place or at home (because of the reinforcement of gender stereotypes): // At Adobe India's office, she fou...
In My Radical Opinion