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Showing posts from May, 2015

Birds of paradise

Some things in nature are really beautiful. Just watch this introduction video: Check this out too - what peculiar tricks do creatures adopt to attract mates:

So why do I write against gender discrimination: An interaction with a reader

I've been asked this question by a reader, and there was more in it to discuss, but as requested, I am not putting up the exact content. I'm putting up my response here for a wider audience, with briefly what the reader had to say in italics  and my response in  red: // There are other issues to blog about than gender discrimination. Why do you have to blog about this all the time? // Here's why I blog about against gender discrimination: 1. I blog about women's issues because I feel strongly against gender discrimination, and I do feel strongly against all other forms of oppressive discrimination, against 'lower' castes, against college juniors, against gay people, against lesbians, against colored people, against the physically disabled and so on. 2. Because these issues affect half the population, across world, across all sections of the society. 3. Because I can relate to these issues at a personal level. These issues can, and they do, h...

Yo, What's Your Beef: Sharing heartranjan's post

I know this post is coming super-late, but I had to vent out my feelings on the subject. And thankfully, heartranjan ( link ) has already done the needful so I am just going to share his post - It's hilarious and brilliant: Emphasis  mine below: // In the continuing absurdity that is Indian politics, another chapter was written two weeks ago when the Maharashtra government banned the sale, consumption and possession of beef. And this has confirmed my staunch belief that religion mixed with politics is a recipe for disaster. As with every stupid government decision, behind every decision, is a hollow, fuck-all logic.  The most common reason stated was that it is hurtful to Hindu sentiments, as the cow is a sacred animal for millions of Hindus. Firstly, Hinduism isn’t a monolithic religion, it does not have one scripture, one set of rules, or norms. And yet, sadly, all the great upholders of religi...

Reflections on what I want to write about

In one of my recent posts ( l ink ), I talked about wanting to write a book and made a promise to do a separate post on the ideas going on in my head. So here I am as promised, with my new post, rattling about all sorts of stuff. Most of my thoughts come from the gap in female characterization, both in literature and in movies, and my frustration with not being able to find female characters which project depth and confidence. The first idea stems directly from my frustration with our movies and portrayal of female leads, whose role is usually limited to playing the hero's love interest and the damsel in distress. Few beautiful movies, like Queen  ( link ), are of course an exception. I know there are quite a few strong, female centred movies like Zubeida , Mother India , and so on. But my point here is that a movie or a book with strong female characters doesn't have to be about a serious, err, for lack of a better word, 'issue'. We can have normal easy-breezy sto...

Turning 26 isn't so bad after all!!

Especially when your team mates surprise you with this on your desk - Looks like all my cribs about turning 26 were heard :) :)

From the most special man in my life

I am very touched. I do wish to be the pride you feel, always. Thanks for sharing this dad: link No matter where I am, I will always come back to where I belong: to you So between you and me, partings and good byes don't matter I always carry a part of you with me, so I am never on my own When everything seems falling apart, you're the one I can always count on Even when I make mistakes, even when I don't listen to you I know that I can always come back to you when I need help I do aspire to be the pride you feel, now and always And whatever I have become, is only a shadow of what you are It took me so long to finally understand you, but now that I do,  I promise to cherish this special bond, and never stop loving you - Dedicated to my mom and dad Thanks dad

Reflections from a Modern Indian Kitchen III: When you binge eat on a Sunday

First time we made pani puri at our house: Pani Puri @ Mumbai Home Vegetable cravings - When health meets taste: Stir fried vegetables with lemon-yogurt dip and bread Happy eating!! Related posts: 1. Reflections from a Modern Indian Kitchen I: A few easy-to-make must-haves - link 2. Reflections from a Modern Indian Kitchen II: When we treat ourselves to delicacies over the weekend -  link

Poem: What have you got? Pickles, pickles and more pickles

Knock - knock! What have you got? Pickles, pickles and more pickles. How many pickles do you have in there? One, two, three, four.... eight of them First is the  spicy lemon, the zestiest of them all And second is tangy tamarind, the best one of the lot The next one is wood apple, delectable on the tongue Followed by special kenaf, God's own gift to us And then there is mango with mustard, ever classic it is Coming up is my favorite: the tantalizing tomato Seventh is the cool cucumber, it is as good as the mango one And the last one is red chilli, the spiciest of them all Do you have any left if I may ask? Indeed you may, but I am sorry I ate them all Which ones did you like the most? I loved all of them, and I will get more of them Knock - knock! What have you got? Pickles, pickles and more pickles.  - For the Telugu people's love of pickles :) // Pickles are God's gift to the people of A...

Six things Mumbai does to non-Mumbaikaars

As a non- Mumbaikaar who happens to be a part- Hyderabadi and a part- Bangalorean , I found it a bit difficult to adjust to Mumbai initially. To speak the truth, I lived like a pampered princess in Bangalore :) Also, most of my social circle was in Bangalore so when I quit my old job and shifted to Mumbai, I couldn't help complaining a lot in the first few months. And then, 'Mumbai' happened... After you get through the cribbing, complaining and irritable phase, this is what Mumbai does to you: 1. You stop considering distance and time of the day as hindrances for travelling within the city. Seriously, name any time of the day or night: 11.00 / 12.00 / 3.00 / 5.00, you have travel options and places where you can hang out. I used to believe that the night life in Mumbai is overrated till I realized that I am so used to it now that I take it for granted! About the distance, yeah, Mumbai has a way of making you get off your lazy ass. You're still new to Mumbai and...